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Travel advice
Sylan is a protected area. It has been given protected status to ensure this unique, beautiful mountain area remains unspoiled. The diverse plant and animal life, as well as the distinctive landscape, is protected so that future generations can experience it. By traveling responsibly and carefully, you can help us make sure of it remains untouched. Always leave the tent or picnic area tidy and with as little trace of human activity as possible. This is what we call in Norwegian sporløs ferdsel – hiking in nature without leaving any sign that you were there.
Travel advice
Sylan is a protected area. It has been given protected status to ensure this unique, beautiful mountain area remains unspoiled. The diverse plant and animal life, as well as the distinctive landscape, is protected so that future generations can experience it. By traveling responsibly and carefully, you can help us make sure of it remains untouched. Always leave the tent or picnic area tidy and with as little trace of human activity as possible. This is what we call in Norwegian sporløs ferdsel – hiking in nature without leaving any sign that you were there.

Hiking or skiing
Go where you want – on foot or by ski We appreciate it when your trip leaves as little impact on an area as possible. Do not build you own cairns, campfire rings or such like. Leave the landscape as untouched as possible when you leave. In the spring during nesting and breeding season, wildlife is particularly sensitive to disturbance Birds and game nest and breed between the end of March and the middle of July. Be particularly careful during this period.
Taking a break
Take a break and rest whenever you like but be aware that some species in Sylan are particularly sensitive to any disturbance during certain periods of the year.

Taking a break
Take a break and rest whenever you like but be aware that some species in Sylan are particularly sensitive to any disturbance during certain periods of the year.

Feel free to light a fire, but preferably use fallen twigs because vegetation in the national park is protected. The considerate use of wood for the purpose of making a fire is permitted, but old dead trees that are still standing or have fallen must not be used. They are important to the environment.
Remember: there is a general ban on lighting a fire in the forest or fields between 15 April – 15 September. Do not make new campfire rings; use the ones that already exist.
Do not litter the countryside. Litter harms the animals and the environment.
Take all your rubbish with you when you leave and dispose of it in a rubbish bin.

Do not litter the countryside. Litter harms the animals and the environment.
Take all your rubbish with you when you leave and dispose of it in a rubbish bin.

If you need to go to the toilet when you are in nature, if possible, dig a hole (approx. 15 cm) and cover it with soil after you’re finished. Used toilet paper and suchlike is an unpleasant sight along the hiking trails. Wet wipes and panty liners do not decompose in nature and, if used, must be disposed of as litter.
Berries and mushrooms
Feel free to pick berries and mushrooms for your own use if you wish;
however, other plants must be left alone.

Berries and mushrooms
Feel free to pick berries and mushrooms for your own use if you wish;
however, other plants must be left alone.

Hunting and fishing
The rules for hunting and fishing in the national park are the same as outside the protected areas.
Remember to obtain a fishing/hunting licence and/or have an agreement in place with the landowner.
Feel free to walk your dog in the national park. But remember to always follow leash laws. Dogs must ordinarily be kept on a leash between 1 April – 20 August. Several municipalities in the region have special leash laws in place. Compulsory leashing is extended to 10 October in Selbu and Tydal and 31 October. This is because livestock and reindeer graze on the land at this time.

Feel free to walk your dog in the national park. But remember to always follow leash laws. Dogs must ordinarily be kept on a leash between 1 April – 20 August. Several municipalities in the region have special leash laws in place. Compulsory leashing is extended to 10 October in Selbu and Tydal and 31 October. This is because livestock and reindeer graze on the land at this time.

Motorised travel is, in general, prohibited. A permit is required to operate motorised vehicles in the national park. Transport by motor scooter is believed to be the least harmful.
Grazing animals
Pay attention to grazing animals. Reindeer graze in the area all year round. In the summer, both cattle and sheep are let out to graze. Remember to close gates and always keep your dog on a leash.

Grazing animals
Pay attention to grazing animals. Reindeer graze in the area all year round. In the summer, both cattle and sheep are let out to graze. Remember to close gates and always keep your dog on a leash.
Contact us
The National Park for Skarvan and Roltdalen and Sylan
Postbox 2600
Tel: 73 19 92 20
Email: fmtlmsb@statsforvalteren.no