Welcome to Sylan!
The Sylan landscape conservation area is located in Tydal municipality towards the Swedish border. The mighty Sylmassive forms a high mountain area surrounded by elongated expanses and large marshy areas interrupted by patches of forest and watercourses.

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Welcome to Sylan!
The Sylan landscape conservation area is located in Tydal municipality towards the Swedish border. The mighty Sylmassive forms a high mountain area surrounded by elongated expanses and large marshy areas interrupted by patches of forest and watercourses.

Where is Sylan protected landscape ?
Read more about the location.

How do I get there?
Read more about travel and accommodation

About starting points

Nearby national parks
Skarvan og Roltdalen nasjonalpark, Forollhogna nasjonalpark, Gutulia nasjonalpark.
Contact us
The National Park for Skarvan and Roltdalen and Sylan
Postbox 2600
Tel: 73 19 92 20
Email: fmtlmsb@statsforvalteren.no